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IndiaSummer last won the day on July 7 2024

IndiaSummer had the most liked content!


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  1. @BCGame_Maxim I got 89.89 for the challenge as a wager required amount which I need to wager 5x times It is nowhere mentioned in the terms and conditions of the promotion that we would get it as a wager required amount so kindly check it and credit it as normal withdrawal balance
  2. It's going to be a shitty token just like any other casino tokens released, right from start it will keeps on dipping, I have seen a dozen casino tokens like this launched and they all dipped more than 10 times than their initial offering price. So unless you do it differently and change the whole pragmatic about it. Untill then it will keep on be just another token which came and fell. Rather than tokenomics, go for ergonomics to make it count
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